weBoost Unveils First Plug-and-Play “eqo” Booster for Up to 32X Better Cell Signal
Posted on 1/5/2016 by Nicholas Jones
Simple to Install, Elegantly Designed Booster Delivers the “Smarts” for the Millions of Consumers with 3G and 4G Enabled Phones, Tablets and Other Devices
ST. GEORGE, Utah–January 5, 2015–weBoost®, the global leader in cell signal boosters, today at the 2016 International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas announced a new product that introduces an easy installation design, the eqo (/ˈekō/) Booster, for up to 32X better cell signal. Engineered from the ground up for simplicity, performance and style, the new eqo cell phone signal booster is the first plug-and-play booster that does not require an exterior antenna, making it particularly suited to the demands of today’s consumer and small business user.
The new eqo provides consumers with a simple plug-and-play solution to solve the complex challenge of boosting and increasing the reliability of spotty in-home or small-office cellular connections. Working across all major U.S. and Canadian carrier networks, the eqo includes two parts that can be set up in under a minute – a discrete, stylish signal booster and an antenna to send that signal throughout the home. Simply place the eqo Booster in an area where signal is available, plug it into an electrical outlet and connect the antenna, then watch the signal improve. eqo changes the game for cell signal boosting with its simplicity, design and performance – ultimately allowing consumers to take control of their cellular network – regardless of their carrier – and simplifying the installation in relation to other signal boosters by eliminating the need to mount external antennas.
“Our digital driven lives mean mobile connectivity has segued from a luxury to a daily lifeline,” said weBoost CEO Bruce Lancaster. “Yet, not all cell coverage is created equal, which is why we create options to match varying lifestyles, to give people the power to take ownership of their cellular connectivity so they can connect to their world. The new eqo recognizes those who struggle with poor coverage, ensuring today’s ‘smart’ devices can stretch their mobile connectivity muscle.”
From homes to small businesses, the eqo Booster amplifies any existing signal within the space to provide a constant, strong connection for areas up to 1,200 square feet (i.e. 1-2 rooms). It can take an outdoor cell signal and “echos” that signal into the home – resulting in more reliable connections, faster broadband speeds, seamless document downloads, longer battery life and an overall boosted signal for 3G and 4G services.
The eqo Booster supports all carrier networks and is certified by the 2014 FCC standards and Industry Canada. It will be available for shipment in March of 2016 for a suggested retail price of $349.99.
To get a hands-on, first look at the weBoost eqo, please visit weBoost in the South Hall at Booth 36229. For a video preview of the eqo cell phone signal booster, please visit weBoost’s YouTube page.
For more information about weBoost and eqo, please visit www.weboost.com and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
About weBoost, LLC
weBoost, and its parent company, Wilson Electronics, LLC, are leaders in the wireless communications industry, and have designed and manufactured cellular signal boosters, antennas and related components for more than 20 years. Each booster is designed to significantly improve cellular coverage in a variety of ways, including in a workplace or in a vehicle. All weBoost products are designed, manufactured and tested in the U.S.A. to meet specific global industry guidelines. For more information, visit www.weboost.com.
Ogilvy PR
Jacob Nahin, 310-280-2470
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Taylor White, 435-673-5021
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