365trucking.com Reviews the Drive 4G-X OTR
Posted on 6/28/2016 by Nicholas Jones
Short Story
My wife and I are a 10 year truck Owner/Operator driving team with over a million safe miles each and we spend a lot of time on 4G. We recently completed a full coast to coast to coast to coast test run (5,591 miles) with the new weBoost Drive 4G-X OTR signal booster exclusively for truckers. In addition to driving we operate a small internet-based company which involves uploading and downloading quite a lot of data, but we also stream a lot of entertainment. Certain stretches of highway, various terrains and parking in between trucks at a truck stop all challenge the ability to get decent internet signal. We have long been looking for an answer to solve this problem and we think it just may be the weBoost Drive 4G-X OTR signal booster. Our conclusion is at the bottom of this page but here’s a hint, “This is the most recent and significant lifestyle and safety upgrade to our truck we have made to date.”
- Very easy to see results visually with phone’s test modes or with the app “Network Signal Info” available at the Google store. Easy alternative for IOS.
- Easy installation even though we went with a more permanent custom installation.
- Helps eliminate the need for satellite TV.
- Increases safety on the road.
- Stronger GPS navigation with your phone.
- Much improved streaming capabilities.
- No subscription fees.
- Works with most carriers.
- Increases signal up to 32X.
- Gadget Geeks- this booster is for you!
Full Story
Quality packaging does not always mean a quality company, but crappy packaging almost always means a lousy product. When you initially open the box, you know you’re dealing with quality. The packaging is designed very well and protects the important contents during shipping. Yes, this has nothing to do with performance but proper packaging is a pet peeve of mine and is usually a good indicator of what kind of company you are dealing with.
We were very excited to get the WeBoost 4G-X OTR installed. Once my wife found out she would be able to stream video with less buffering I instantly had a helper with installation. However, as usual I thought she was helping me but I ended up helping her with our annual truck spring cleaning and getting rid of all things I accumulated this year. We decided to go with a more custom or permanent antenna mount; so once I planned out everything, we went to work. I really expected this to be a six hour install, but even with the antenna mount modification we were done in just two hours. If we went with the recommended installation instructions it probably would have been a 1/2 hour install.
Road test began in Los Angeles, went to Baltimore and back to Los Angeles. At the time of this blog we now probably have over 15,000 miles tested with 4G-X. Our buffering has drastically reduced and we are positive we now will not have any need for satellite TV. The reliability that the 4G-X adds to a consistent internet signal will negate any need for expensive in-motion dishes and equipment, not to mention the hefty subscription fees. It’s true that the 4G-X or any booster cannot create signal out of thin air (There has to be at least a weak signal to boost); however we tried this booster out in some known bad signal areas and were able to sustain a decent signal. It’s so reliable that I can now send massive back up files to the web without worrying about failure due to signal loss. I can just start a 6 hour backup and still drive and have a completed successful backup 6 hours later. This is something I would only try in the past sitting still in a good signal area. I was expecting some failures in Utah, Nebraska, etc. but nope. What little time we did spend in hotels on this trip I couldn’t wait to get back to the truck for reliable and consistent internet!
Hijackers are following trucks further and further for trucks hauling pharmaceuticals or high-end electronics and they know where the dead zones are- but it’s highly unlikely with this equipment that you will ever be in a dead zone.
Retail price is $549.99 May seem a little pricey at first, but when you add up all the benefits (safety, much improved streaming capabilities eliminating any need for satellite TV, improved GPS and of course less dropped calls) it pays for itself quickly. If I owned a trucking company that ran HVL (High Value Loads) I would insist on having a 4G-X in every one of my trucks. No more not being able to call for help because you’re broke down in a bad signal area or even worse, being targeted by hijackers who definitely know where the weak signal areas are. Without a doubt, this is an investment just like a good CB or a $500 Trucking GPS would be. We recommend as a smart buy.
For product information or purchase please visit www.weBoost.com
Here is a link to the signal app we used during testing Network Signal Pro
Where do you need to boost your signal?
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