Navigating Cell Signal Issues in the Workplace
Posted on 10/9/2023 by Steve McBride
The Problem
In today’s business landscape, a challenge vexes both staff members and visitors alike. Imagine you’re working in a warehouse, dining at a bustling restaurant, shopping in a home improvement store, or even working as a doctor in your office. Regardless of the situation, it dawns on you that you’ve missed a call from a patient or from your child who’s home alone. Your phone didn’t even ring.
Maybe it only causes you to miss the latest coupons. More urgently, maybe you can’t report an accident on the shop floor. Either way, realizing you’ve entered the dreaded abyss of a “no signal” zone is a sinking feeling we’ve all encountered, and it’s high time we address these indoor “dead zones.”

Let’s pull back the curtain on the complexity of the problem. In a world where cell phone devices and services come in more flavors than a gelato shop, and where around 150,000 cell phone towers stand as modern-day obelisks, staying connected is no piece of cake.
Cell signals on their journey to your device encounter more a lot of obstacles. These signals must navigate between techie terms such as absorption, reflection, attenuation, scattering as well as natural obstacles like trees, hills, valleys, and the like.
Then there is network congestion. With the proliferation of devices, carrier partnerships, and the emergence of Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs), network congestion has surged. The congestion necessitates a vast scheme to prioritize data and voice transmissions. On top of that, the power of each cell tower varies like a living, breathing, complex organism.
Cell towers continually, dynamically adjust their power outputs in response to fluctuating customer demand. Consequently, the potency of signals varies throughout the day. Sometimes your service is good shape, while other times you are in the back of the cell access line. With all these interacting variables and challenges to get a signal to a user’s cell phone, it is truly a wonder the telecommunications system actually works. Then, when we consider utilizing those services inside buildings, there is another level of complexity arises – that of “dead zones.”
Building structures act as a barrier to cellular connectivity. Certain materials, like energy efficient E-Glass and S-Glass happen to block signals. While the presence of metals roofs, walls, frames as well as brickwork, and other elements further compound the challenge. Dead zones are those areas withing a building where any given person with any given phone, using any cell service, at any location inside your building, will not be able to connect to their network.
Solving in-building dead zones
That is where we step in at Wilson Electronics. For the past 30 years, we have been dedicated to resolving the issue of in-building dead zones. We are an American-based company with American-based engineers, manufacturing, and customer service teams, working tirelessly to tackle cellular connectivity challenges for businesses worldwide. With 180+ patents for solving these complex problems, we have garnered millions of satisfied customers.
Your business is distinctive, with its own unique connectivity obstacles. That is precisely why our team of experts is prepared to guide you through the intricate decision-making process. We recognize that each small business has distinctive structures and specific requirements. This is why we’ve tailored a solution just for you.
Allow us to introduce Wilson’s Small Business Customer Experience team, a dedicated group of professionals ready to assist you in making the optimal choice. Our team is here to provide personalized guidance and support, ensuring that you discover the ideal Wilson Electronics solution that seamlessly aligns with your specific needs.
By reaching out to our business experts, you’ll tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience. They possess an in-depth understanding of our product range and can expertly navigate you through the available options, addressing any questions or concerns you might have along the way. With our team’s expertise, you can confidently make an informed decision and invest in the finest Wilson solutions that perfectly suit your requirements, thereby enhancing productivity and efficiency in your workplace.
What can I expect?
Wilson Electronics offers the most powerful, effective, and proven business solutions. Whether it’s a small strip mall hair salon or one of the largest and most complex buildings in the world, we cater to all. weBoost business solutions include self-installed or professionally installed booster kits for small businesses. WilsonPro offerings range from the highest-end fiber optic Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) to efficient passive DAS solutions for smaller structures.
For the 95% of businesses out there, the weBoost and Wilson Pro systems will exceed your expectations. As we collaborate with our integrator and installation partners, we’ll ensure the utmost professionalism in providing the right system for you.
Keep a few things in mind: if the outside signal is as weak as your colleague’s coffee-making skills, well, let’s just say the inside signal might not be as strong as we’d like. Wilson products deliver the best possible cell signal boost allowed by law but cannot create cell signals out of nothing. While we are experts in boosting cell signals, even we are bound by physics! Rest assured; we’ll work our signal-boosting expertise within the realm of what’s technically feasible.
Just remember, the Wilson Electronics solutions will boost every possible trace of outside cell signal available within your office. As a general rule of thumb, if your cellphone shows 4-5 bars when you step outside, anticipate having 4-5 bars inside after your system is installed. If there is 1 bar outside, look for at least 1 bar inside, possibly 2. The same rule applies for all bars in between.
What our customers are saying:
We consistently engage in interviews and endeavors to understand the perspective of our business customers. Here are a few of the primary reasons they decide to take the leap and commence their journey with Wilson Electronics:
1. Customized cut-to-fit cabling and antenna placement to their building’s unique structure: The result? A seamless integration that ensures maximum cell signal performance, regardless of your building’s quirks and corners.
2. Compliance and safety assurance: we ensure the wiring and mounting installation comply with all local fire, building, flood, safety, and insurance codes, providing peace of mind.
3. Professional installation and support: Our customers find comfort in the fact that professionals handle the installation. If anything doesn’t seem quite right, our team will remain committed until it is rectified to satisfaction.
4. Network management. Our customers express reservations about users (staff or visitors) connecting to the network for Wi-Fi calling and data (a topic for another article). Their concerns span network traffic, safety, security, and ensuring 911 access for each user.
Nobody can be an expert at everything; that’s why it’s worth considering allowing our team to demonstrate the most favorable cell signal outcome possible by executing your customized installation and setup. Reach out to us via phone or visit our websites at or